United Nations Environment Programme: The serious amount of Marine plastic pollution urgently requires global emergency action

Polaris Solid Waste Network: The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) issued a comprehensive assessment report on Marine waste and plastic pollution on October 21.The report notes that a substantial reduction in plastic that is unnecessary, unavoidable and causes problems is essential to addressing the global pollution crisis.Accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, eliminating subsidies, and switching to recycling patterns will help reduce plastic waste to the required scale.

From Pollution to Solutions: A Global Assessment of Marine Waste and Plastic Pollution shows that all ecosystems from the source to the ocean are facing an increasing threat.The report states that despite our expertise, we still need the government to show a positive political will and take urgent action to respond to the growing crisis.The report provides information and reference to the relevant discussions of the United Nations Environmental General Assembly (UNEA 5.2) in 2022, when countries will together set the direction for future global cooperation.


The report stresses that 85% of Marine waste is plastic and warns that the amount of plastic waste flowing into the ocean will be nearly tripled by 2040, adding 23-37 million tons of plastic waste each year, equivalent to 50 kilograms of plastic waste per meter of the coastline worldwide.

Thus, all marine —— from plankton, shellfish to birds, turtles, and mammalian —— are at serious risk of poisoning, behavioral disorders, starvation, and asphyxia.Coral, mangroves, and seagrass beds are also flooded with plastic waste, leaving them without access to oxygen and light.

The human body is equally susceptible to plastic contamination in water bodies in multiple ways, which can cause hormonal changes, developmental disorders, reproductive abnormalities, and cancer.Plastic is ingested through seafood, drinks, and even salt; they penetrate the skin and are inhaled when they are suspended in the air.

The assessment calls for an immediate global reduction in plastic use and encourages the transformation of the entire plastic value chain.The report notes that further global investment in building stronger and more effective monitoring systems to identify the source, size and fate of plastics and to develop risk frames that are missing globally.In the final analysis, the world must shift to a circular model, including sustainable consumption and production practices, businesses accelerating development and adoption of alternatives, and increasing consumer awareness to drive them to make more responsible choices.

Post time: Oct-26-2021